Sunday, January 24, 2010

Ambien Lethal Dosage Too Much Ambien Lethal?

Too much Ambien lethal? - ambien lethal dosage

Hello, I started 10 mg of Ambien every night, because during the last two months I was not getting enough sleep well. Now I know it can be an addictive drug, but I take it seem as if I am ill, really drunk, but it always puts me to sleep. I weigh 135 and I wonder what is the strict limitation that I can take 10 mg of Ambien before it becomes deadly. I know you do not take the dose when prescribing doctor, but I'm on vacation and can not seem to go to the doctor to speak with him, but I need sleep ... How much is too much before it becomes dangerous for my body or spirit? Thank you.


knicname said...

It is too dangerous for the body and mind. They have side effects I felt dizzy and drunk!
Do not take more Ambien. 10 mg is the maximum dose.
Try Benadryl or Dramamine and talk to your MD, as he returns from holiday. Ask the MD To try to get something else and tell him about their reactions.

Good luck.

knicname said...

It is too dangerous for the body and mind. They have side effects I felt dizzy and drunk!
Do not take more Ambien. 10 mg is the maximum dose.
Try Benadryl or Dramamine and talk to your MD, as he returns from holiday. Ask the MD To try to get something else and tell him about their reactions.

Good luck.

Farewell beloved community said...

Knicname I think your very good advice.
And please. Do not take drugs, whatever. They destroy a person. You are still young, do the life in you, and many things.
Follow this yoga. The physical aspect. You will learn to breathe and feel really, really better. Sleep is one thing, completely relaxed.
This allows you to sleep, you can take homeopathy. Have a good what you need. Sometimes I take Coffea cruda. You need five grains an hour before bedtime. Let it melt clip.
You know, maybe that homeopathy can help you. Homeopathic doses have no side effects and help to solve problems.
Even if you have a problem, try the simple, natural way.
Good luck

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