Friday, February 19, 2010

Canon Replace Front Element Cost Has Anyone Ever Had To Have The Front Element Replaced On A Canon 70-200 F/2.8L IS Lens Because Of A Scratch?

Has anyone ever had to have the front element replaced on a Canon 70-200 f/2.8L IS lens because of a scratch? - canon replace front element cost

If so, how much it will cost in total? I try, an idea, what would it cost to get without having to send money and time to New Jersey to Canon to get me a quote. Thanks


mislanad... said...

It may be that the money you have, somewhere between 200 and 400
(Sorry, but set a goal expensive)

I suggest you call Canon and / or phone number in a local branch, dealing with warranties from Canon. (or simply the phone number of a local camera store and ask for an opinion)

Cat Lover said...

Why not call Canon and ask for a quote? If they need to replace the front element at the same price if you do not see in the first place or. Call 800-OK-CANON.

And if you have set, please download a UV filter for it is not set to zero. Replacing a filter is much cheaper than the objective. Good luck.

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